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Third Image in Richard Beale's Great Trees of the Genesee Collection.
Etching of willows in circular format

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Second Image in Richard Beale's Great Trees of the Genesee Collection. Two Large trees with their roots entangled

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Circular etching of a large tree of the Genesee. First image of Great Trees of the Genesee

Following the other parts of the decorations, in which for the others it can be seen what agreement should have reigned throughout the entire mass.

In the old church of San Sabina, built according to some in 425 under Pope Celestine in that place where the saint has his father’s house, but not consecrated shortly after the pontificate of Sisto III., exists this monument. It is located in the…

This a gift made by William Periera to the church of S. Maria del Popolo in 1447, and the work is really commendable for the beauty of its decorations and for the kindness of its design. One day it will have been in the church since the noble…

This sculpture along with the others that we will examine in the following table were once inside the interior of the church of S. Maria Maggiore, until they were removed with many other works by the order of Pope Benedict XIV which he restored so…

More polite yet, much more beautifully decorated, though perhaps by only one hand, is this bas-relief placed in comparison with the others that we examined in the previous table. It is an exquisite and careful work so that it is the a delight to see…

The interior of the church of Santa Maria del Popolo changed shape at the time of Bernini, who was an architect invited to direct its work. He among many beautiful things that (vi operò) knew not to deserve universal approval in substituting…

Everyone will want to know that you have added to this table detail of the altar described above. When we met in works really stunning, and of which it is useful to know what the right proportions of the moldings and the development of the ornamental…
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