Monumento Sepolcrale de Fratelli Antonio e Pietro Pollaioli nella Chiesa di S. Pietro in Vincoli

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Monumento Sepolcrale de Fratelli Antonio e Pietro Pollaioli nella Chiesa di S. Pietro in Vincoli


Tomb of brothers Antonio and Pietro Pollarili in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli


Where there stands the church of S. Pietro in Vincula willed to pious tradition have made wall the first church in Rome, the Prince of the Apostles, and dedicated to SS. Savior. However this may be that, it is certain that the fire of Nero razed the ground all those primitive buildings, and not before 442 of our era was throw the first stone of this temple that since that time he devoted himself to S. Pietro in Vincula. And that is because Eudoxia, wife of Theodosius the young emperor of the East, being gone to visit the Holy Places of Jerusalem, was a gift from Juvenal, Patriarch of the chain that held this city bound S. Peter in prison, which she sent to give to the Vicar of Christ in Rome.
We wanted to say this to manifest in our readers what God was always dear to this sacred place, and to make our way to talk about the cool that we play on this same table on the monument (de' Pollajuoli), and which will mean an awful scourge that desolated Rome in the year 680. Historians relate (Bar yr. 680 - PIE DIAC. De gest. Longob.lib.6.c.5) that in that year, after the eclipse of the sun and moon awoke in Rome is a great place if it lasted most all died. But a good servant of God in the revelation that the disease had ceased, though in this temple had crack an altar in honor of St. Sebastian, as the facts of what happened. It still said that during the plague saw some night time wandering around the city an angel with the devil, and that the husbandmen morning many deaths were in this house or that for many shots to the commandment of the angel had given to his door the demon hunter with a skewer. That's the subject of cool. Now passing to the monument, there will certainly be those who ignore the name of ' brothers Pollajuoli , both painters of much merit . Antonio first practiced the art of the goldsmith, he helped lead the Ghiberti doors of St. John, afterwards made many works in painting, and finally brought him to Rome by Pope Innocent VIII ordered the burial of this metal and that of his predecessor Pope Sixtus IV, who works in the Basilica of St. Peter, and one of the most beautiful monuments that can be admired there. In addition to this cast in bronze main door of the temple to the vast order of Eugenius IV, who was allocated to Filaret, a sculptor from Florence, to perpetuate the memory of the Council of Florence.
Death came to these two brothers one after the other in 1498, there were relatives this burial in S. Pietro in Vincula, where in the memory of the joint affection that kept them always alive, they were portrayed in a natural next to each other.
The ch. Vasari commentator, John. Forgings, reports note amended by an error in another epitaph made to Pollaiuolo, which reads another edition of Vasari. Here it is:



Drawn by Francesco M. Tosi


Presso l'Editore Proprietario


15th and 16th Century Sculpture


Unknown Donor


Geneseo Foundation


Volumes 1, 2, 4, and 5


20 x 16






Italian Monuments in Rome created during the 15th and 16th Century


Prints were made circa 1835 to 1860




Drawn by Francesco M. Tosi, “Monumento Sepolcrale de Fratelli Antonio e Pietro Pollaioli nella Chiesa di S. Pietro in Vincoli,” LLB Galleries, accessed March 4, 2025,