Altare nella chiesa di a Marcello
Monumento Sepolcrale del Card. Nicola de'Cusa nella chiesa di a Pietro in Vincoli

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Altare nella chiesa di a Marcello
Monumento Sepolcrale del Card. Nicola de'Cusa nella chiesa di a Pietro in Vincoli


Altar in the church of San Marcello
Tomb of Cardinal Nicola de’Cusa in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli


Entering the church of S. Marcello, in the third chapel on the right hand you see the altar that we give in this table. The chapel contains, provided in 1562 by Monsignor Griffins and finished in ornate in 1607 by Cav. John Matthew his kinsman, since its first erection was colored by Giovanni Battista Ricci from Novara and Francesco Salviati, who painted the main face. We do not know the author of this 'work of art, but the beauty of the decorations and the right proportion of' members are believed to be good for anything in the century.
The upper part of the table is occupied by the monument erected in S. Pietro in Vincula to the memory of the illustrious Cardinal Nicholas de Cusa , so called from his birthplace on the banks of the Moselle to Treves , where was born the year 1405. He was in charge of the monastery Wotobergense regular canon, archdeacon do Liege, dean of St. Florinus Constance and prothonotary apostolic. Intervened in 1441 at the Diet of Mainz, where the presence of Emperor Frederick III defended (gagliardemente) the Pontiff. Ascended the Chair of Peter Nicholas V, was this Pope to December 20 , 1448 raised to the honor of the purple with the title of S. Pietro in Vincula , which added a monastery and embellished the church of a new ceiling. He held several important legations in Germany, Bohemia, and in other northern provinces, and worked for all things of great benefit to Christianity. In the absence of Pius II in Rome he kept his post as vicar linked the city, and it was all an object of admiration and complacency. In addition to that he was a man full of so much teaching to write on a variety of materials a good number of works, which were printed in Basel gathered in three vol. in fol. in 1565.
Do not stay there we know by reporting the following words of Ciaconio (Vit et res. Gest. Pont. V. 5. P. 975) in praise of this man virtuous: (LATIN)
He had until (visso) a singular devotion to the chains that (avvinsero) the apostle Peter in prison, and therefore is seen portrait on the front of his monument in the act of praying (ginocchinone) to land the Prince of the Apostles who is sitting in the middle, and the other side has also an angel with bent knee, while his hands were holding up the chain. The top of the monument contains the arms of a Cardinal, who was a shrimp on a blue field.


Drawn by Francesco M. Tosi


Presso l'Editore Proprietario


15th and 16th Century Sculpture


Unknown Donor


Geneseo Foundation


Volumes 1, 2, 4, and 5


20 x 16






Italian Monuments in Rome created during the 15th and 16th Century


Prints were made circa 1835 to 1860




Drawn by Francesco M. Tosi, “Altare nella chiesa di a Marcello
Monumento Sepolcrale del Card. Nicola de'Cusa nella chiesa di a Pietro in Vincoli,” LLB Galleries, accessed March 4, 2025,