Monumenti Sepolcarale del Card. Lorenzo Ciro Gia in S. Maria del Popolo - Ura Altare in S. Cosimato
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Monumenti Sepolcarale del Card. Lorenzo Ciro Gia in S. Maria del Popolo - Ura Altare in S. Cosimato
Tomb of Cardinal Lorenzo Ciro
Previously in Santa Maria del Popolo- Now Altar in San Cosimato
Previously in Santa Maria del Popolo- Now Altar in San Cosimato
The Cardinal Lorenzo Cibo, Genoese patrician and a descendant of the noble family who willed original heraldic writers of Greece, is remembered by biographers as very learned man and angelic costumes. Taken from a special devotion to S. Lorenzo was the lawyer for as long as he lived in the land of 'celestial, and to better (addimostrare) his affection is a great saint, wanted in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo dedicate the chapel, however, is sacred to him, and he in his own expense he built and beautifully decorated, giving it a rich dowry. He left in his will that his body was buried in the chapel, but the lack of charity 'posterity after a few centuries removed that monument, and changing its destination transporting him elsewhere. And this distinguished prelate in the church that he embellished there is another memory that the following inscription on top of the chapel he made walling to its patron saint:
The monument is missing urn and of epigraphs: the first we do not know where it is, the second comes Ciaconio, and then make a gift to 'our readers. So this could be a reward at that good soul!
And because he was nephew of Innocent VIII, as in this' inscription is written, it must be nice to him the bronze monument erected to the memory of this Pope in the Vatican, and led, as we said in the Table. LX from (Pollaijuolo). Under this monument was placed over a century a memory (risguardante) Cibo that we do not refer for the sake of brevity.
Lorenzo Cibo was born in 1450. It was prefect of the Castle S. Angel, canon of St. Peter and archbishop of Benevento in 1485. On 14th March 1489 he was created cardinal priest of St. Susanna, regardless of S. Cecilia with the administration of the church of Vannes in Brittany and the abbey of Staffarda. Instituted a chapel in the Vatican basilica with four beneficiaries, which had (riporsi) the spear, which passed the cost of the Savior. For the sorrows of him occurred since the election of Alexander VI, who was not in good view, Lorenzo seriously sick, and not even after death of that Pontiff. So sick intervened in the conclaves of Pius III and Julius II, and he died shortly after in 1503, aged 53 and 14 as a cardinal.
The bas-relief of the monument alludes to the special devotion he had for S. Lorenzo, who is put in place to present it in heaven in the presence of the Virgin Mary. The four statues placed it 'pillars reminiscent of the principal virtues in an eminent degree you feel! All his biographers there are witness, and we, passing others, will end with the following words of Folietta in his book (LATIN)
The monument is missing urn and of epigraphs: the first we do not know where it is, the second comes Ciaconio, and then make a gift to 'our readers. So this could be a reward at that good soul!
And because he was nephew of Innocent VIII, as in this' inscription is written, it must be nice to him the bronze monument erected to the memory of this Pope in the Vatican, and led, as we said in the Table. LX from (Pollaijuolo). Under this monument was placed over a century a memory (risguardante) Cibo that we do not refer for the sake of brevity.
Lorenzo Cibo was born in 1450. It was prefect of the Castle S. Angel, canon of St. Peter and archbishop of Benevento in 1485. On 14th March 1489 he was created cardinal priest of St. Susanna, regardless of S. Cecilia with the administration of the church of Vannes in Brittany and the abbey of Staffarda. Instituted a chapel in the Vatican basilica with four beneficiaries, which had (riporsi) the spear, which passed the cost of the Savior. For the sorrows of him occurred since the election of Alexander VI, who was not in good view, Lorenzo seriously sick, and not even after death of that Pontiff. So sick intervened in the conclaves of Pius III and Julius II, and he died shortly after in 1503, aged 53 and 14 as a cardinal.
The bas-relief of the monument alludes to the special devotion he had for S. Lorenzo, who is put in place to present it in heaven in the presence of the Virgin Mary. The four statues placed it 'pillars reminiscent of the principal virtues in an eminent degree you feel! All his biographers there are witness, and we, passing others, will end with the following words of Folietta in his book (LATIN)
Drawn by Francesco M. Tosi
Presso l'Editore Proprietario
15th and 16th Century Sculpture
Unknown Donor
Geneseo Foundation
Volumes 1, 2, 4, and 5
20 x 16
Italian Monuments in Rome created during the 15th and 16th Century
Prints were made circa 1835 to 1860
Drawn by Francesco M. Tosi , “Monumenti Sepolcarale del Card. Lorenzo Ciro Gia in S. Maria del Popolo - Ura Altare in S. Cosimato,” LLB Galleries, accessed March 3, 2025,