Drypoint still life. The attribution date is 1889. the signature is located in the lower left, it is signed "M. O. Wescott from Nature" -part of plate.
Drypoint still life. The attribution date is 1889. The signature is located in the lower left, it is signed "M. O. Wescott from Nature" -- part of plate.
Drypoint still life. The attribution date is 1889. The signature is located in the lower left, it is signed "M. O. Wescott from Nature" -part of plate.
("G. E. Cagwin From Nature"-Still Life) Drypoint still life of a bottle, paintbrush, and other objects on top of a book. The year of acquisition is c. 1930 and the date of attribution is 1888. The signature is found in the upper right. It is signed …
Drypoint with two separate prints on one sheet. The top print is "G. E. Cagwin After Copy", which shows a village scene. The bottom print is "N. E. Angell From Anvers", which shows a Harbor Scene. The year of acquisition is c. 1930 and the date of…
Drypoint of a heron. The year of acquisition is c. 1930 and the date of attribution is c. 1888. The signature is located in the upper right, it is signed "F. L. Case From Nature"