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Otto Colonna was born in Rome in 1368, and the 11 of November 1417 at the Council of Constance was elected as Pope Martin V, after the voluntary renunciation of the papacy of Gregory XII, and after the said council had deposed John XXIII and the…

This work of sculpture certainly belongs to the good of the century 'art, wanting to argue it from its simple style and correct. We saw the Rasponi and Crescimbeni cited by Valentini (Illus. the four Bas.) But we could not find the author's name. A…

There are three monuments. The first is a memory burial Alberto Strozzi Mantua, who died in 1553, operates all of white marble, simple but beautiful in its proportions and with the portrait of the deceased in a bust in full relief. The last Butigella…

The year 1504 went up and this monument to the memory of learned and upright magistrate Pietro da Vicenza, for care of the 'grieving sister Margaret. This man is remembered with praise worthy in the works of many writers (contemporanci) him, insomuch…


… It consists of two pillars decorated in foliage and flowers, above which rests an entablature that is rich in ornaments, especially in its beautiful frieze, covered in foliage and rosettes. Above this begins an arch covered in carvings, and on…

To benefit the artistic significance of what we have seen in the above-described monument, we believed we needed to provide some more detailed descriptions, which is why we created these tables, and provided them whenever we believed…

The church of Saint Maria above Minerva was erected over the ruins of the temple of a Goddess, who people offered many spoils in thanksgiving for the victories against enemies of Rome. This church has always been under the protection…

This monument that is rich in the simplicity of its lines, rests on three shelves decorated with acanthus leaves, and is one of the best things that can be seen in the Church of Saint Maria above Minerva. The shape is unlike its style,…

In the model of architectural elegance that is in the walkway of S. Pietro of Montorio, and which Vasari says – cannot proportion, order, and diversity be imagined, and grace kinder be better imagined – this altar is dedicated to…
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