In the simple yet elegant church of Saint Pietro at Montorio, which was rebuilt based on the designs of Baccio Pintelli, exists this beautiful work of sixteenth century art. It contains the remains of Giuliano of Volterra, of the…
Whoever came to for a beautiful day in the Church of the SS. Apostles could not stop looking at this great monument which was created, along with those that were erected during the sixteenth century. At first glance, it is clearly…
This monument was erected to the Cardinal Astorgio Agnese of Galeotto and his relatives, who wished to be buried beside him. An urn is lying on top of the figure of the illustrious Cardinal, but in the top frame, both are depicted…
This is a vague monument, and makes a fine display in the Church of Saint Maria on top of Minerva, and is located in the chapel which is currently owned by Mr. Duca Grazioli. It is similar to the composition of the majority of…
In the model of architectural elegance that is in the walkway of S. Pietro of Montorio, and which Vasari says – cannot proportion, order, and diversity be imagined, and grace kinder be better imagined – this altar is dedicated to…
This monument that is rich in the simplicity of its lines, rests on three shelves decorated with acanthus leaves, and is one of the best things that can be seen in the Church of Saint Maria above Minerva. The shape is unlike its style,…
The church of Saint Maria above Minerva was erected over the ruins of the temple of a Goddess, who people offered many spoils in thanksgiving for the victories against enemies of Rome. This church has always been under the protection…
To benefit the artistic significance of what we have seen in the above-described monument, we believed we needed to provide some more detailed descriptions, which is why we created these tables, and provided them whenever we believed…
… It consists of two pillars decorated in foliage and flowers, above which rests an entablature that is rich in ornaments, especially in its beautiful frieze, covered in foliage and rosettes. Above this begins an arch covered in carvings, and on…