Drypoint still life of a vase with floral decorations, striped fan and a small dish. The signature is located in the lower left, it is signed "M.O Wescott from Nature" - part of plate.
Three separate pen and ink drawings on one sheet of paper. Drawing A (top)- Shoe Drawing B (bottom center)- Table with books Drawing C (bottom right)- Wine decanter. The date of attribution is 1889. The signature is located in the lower…
Drypoint of an Oceanside. The date of attribution is 1889. The signature is located in the lower left, it is signed "M. O. Wescott after B. C. Brown"- part of a plate.
There are two drawings on one page of paper. The top half of the page shows a three-dimensional rectangular form with carvings. The bottom half shows a rectangle with "carved" cherubs and crest in the middle, lions on the left and…
(Angels in Heaven/Three People Walking Under An Arch). Two separate drawings in pen and ink. The first shows an arch with people walking beneath it; above are angels in a cloud.The signature is located in the lower right. The date of attribution is…
(Fallen Log In Field/ Vase On Shelf). Two separate watercolors on one sheet of paper. Color: oranges, purples, some greens and blues. Image of a log on the bottom half of the page and an image of a patterned vase on a shelf on the top half of the…